Hydrail Conferences: “Mission 1” Accomplished!

by guest blogger Stan Thompson The Tenth International Hydrail Conference (“10-IHC”) came home to Mooresville, North Carolina, on June 22-23 and it was a resounding success for a number of reasons. Our twenty presenters were a delightful mix of pros from previous IHCs, academics, railroad professionals, VIPs and Brad Read, President of TIG/m, who built the hydrail […]

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Preview: hydrail in 2015

by guest blogger Stan Thompson Long before he was honored with with his own automobile brand, Serbian inventor-engineer Niccola Tesla had an annual tradition of predicting on his birthday the future of technology.  Lesser lights, including myself, use the birthday of the New Year to make predictions. Here are ten for 2015: 2015-1     The announcement last year […]

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