Declaration of Energy Independence in Time for July 4 Holiday

Political Issues

United States’ Independence Day will be celebrated this coming Sunday, July 4, 2010. Two days ahead of schedule, the CEO of Cypress Semiconductor will make a “Declaration of Energy Independence” from the public utility grid using fuel cell technology.

The Cypress campus headquarters in San Jose, California is turning to Bloom Energy fuel cells along with an array of SunPower solar panels to make their declaration of energy independence before a live audience.

A couple of days ago I talked about Senator Schumer fighting the proposed $37 million hydrogen budget cut from the Obama administration. Yesterday, however, a report came out by the U. S. National Research Council.

According to the New York Times, “The new program evaluation says that in light of those options, ‘long-term, high-risk, high-payoff’ research and development on fuel cells and hydrogen are an appropriate area for government support that might not be carried out otherwise.”

In other words, yes let’s continue to work on advanced battery and biofuel research while we concurrently work on hydrogen and fuel cell research as well. On July 4, 1776, the United States made its historic Declaration of Independence from Great Britain.

I look forward to the day in the near future when this nation, across the board, truly does “plug the damn hole” in the Big Oil monopoly, recovers from its fossil fuel addiction and makes its Declaration of Energy Independence from the influence of foreign nations. It’s a matter of national security. It’s a matter of environmentalism. It’s a matter of domestic job creation. And, it’s just the right thing to do.

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