1000th Post for This Hydrogen Fuel Cars and Vehicles Blog


Okay, usually I don’t like to toot my own horn (or blog twice in one day), but this is a special occasion. This post marks the 1,000th post for this hydrogen fuel cars and vehicles blog.

I started this blog on April 5, 2006 about a year after I had started the main website. Before starting the blog I had looked around to see what the other hydrogen car bloggers were doing in order to get a feel for what direction I would go with this blog.

At that time, I didn’t find one person talking about hydrogen cars in a blog on a consistent basis. So, here we are, several years and 1,000 posts later and there is now just a very short list of hydrogen car bloggers.

So, anyway, thanks for reading this blog and for visiting the hydrogen fuel cars website and hydrogen cars forum and message board and we’ll celebrate again when I get to 2,000 posts.

3 thoughts on “1000th Post for This Hydrogen Fuel Cars and Vehicles Blog

  1. Congratulations, it is amazing how little is still known about hydrogen power. Thanks for keeping us informed!!

  2. Thanks, I appreciate your enthusiasm! Let’s both keep spreading the word about hydrogen. Educating others is half the battle.

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