Hydrogen Pathways Program Provides Vision for Future Roadways


At U. C. Davis, California something good is happening in regards to hydrogen cars. The U. C. Davis Hydrogen Pathways Program is attempting to develop new and more innovative tools for a transition to a hydrogen-based transportation system.

Some of the work of the Hydrogen Pathways Program (HPP) focused on non-conventional methods for public acceptance of hydrogen vehicles. According to HPP, if hydrogen vehicles can be promoted as mobile generators of clean power for various lifestyle desires or used to sell power back to the current electrical grid, this may influence some buyers to purchase H2 vehicles.

In addition, if hydrogen fuel cell vehicles could also be refueled in non-traditional locations, such as at home or work, then this too will add to the attraction for many of purchasing an H2 car.

With research into using many non-traditional methods of reaching consumers and a lot of “outside-the-box” thinking, HPP is well on its way in garnering momentum for the transition to a hydrogen-based transportation system and society.