In August and September 2009 I had talked about how South Korea was shaking up their country by installing additional hydrogen fueling stations. In August it was announced that two separate master planned communities in South Korea would be getting H2 fueling stations.
Then in September I had talked about how South Korea’s first landfill to hydrogen project had begun, which would supply both hydrogen buses and cars through the fueling stations. Now, in December, Air Liquide America Corporation has announced that it will be building two new hydrogen fueling stations in South Korea.
Currently, South Korea has six hydrogen stations operating in Daejeon (2), Seoul, Dong-cho Dong Incheon, Mabuk, and Namyang. The two master plan community hydrogen fueling stations will be located on the islands of KangHwa and OnJin-gun.
The two new H2 filling stations being built by Air Liquide will be built at Jeju island and near the KATRI Gyeonggi-do race track. This will bring the total hydrogen fueling station count up to 10. Only Japan, Germany, Denmark and the U. S. will have more hydrogen fueling stations.
On Jeju island, the Air Liquide hydrogen fueling station (5,000 psi) will be installed at the Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) as a demonstration and research project. Likewise, the 2nd H2 fueling station will be installed the Korea Automobile Testing & Research Institute (KATRI) and will dispense hydrogen at both 5,000 psi and 10,000 psi.
What is certain is that South Korea has made a commitment to developing hydrogen vehicles as a solution to their need to cut down on pollution as well as their dependence from foreign energy. The South Korea Hydrogen Highway system is now taking shape in a cluster model starting around Seoul and expanding to other regions of the country.