Air Liquide Building New H2 Fueling Stations in Europe

Hydrogen Fueling Stations

Air Liquide is back at it again. The large specialty gas company is building three new hydrogen fueling stations in Europe by 2014 as part of the European Hydrogen Highway system.

The high capacity fueling stations will help drivers traveling throughout Europe move among countries knowing that fueling is available for their vehicles.

According to Air Liquide, “By 2014, Air Liquide will design and install three new high-capacity (40 fill-ups per day) hydrogen filling stations in the cities of Bremen (Germany), Birmingham (Great Britain) and Brussels (Belgium).

“These stations are part of the European project SWARM – the acronym stands for Demonstration of Small 4-Wheel fuel cell passenger vehicle Applications in Regional and Municipal transport. The aim of this project is to roll out 90 hydrogen-fueled passenger cars across Europe, the largest number of such vehicles ever made available for a demo project. This fleet will be supported by an infrastructure of hydrogen filling stations, some existing and others to come.”

By the year 2015 expect Europe to have a huge leg up on the United States in regard to hydrogen refueling infrastructure. The lukewarm interest that the U. S. has shown in building H2 infrastructure may one day come back to haunt us.

3 thoughts on “Air Liquide Building New H2 Fueling Stations in Europe

  1. “According to Air Liquide, “By 2014, Air Liquide will design and install three new high-capacity (40 fill-ups per day) hydrogen filling stations in the cities of Bremen (Germany), Birmingham (Great Britain) and Brussels (Belgium).”

    I suppose that these are high capacity relative to the existing stations, but that seems to be about 1/10 the capacity of a gasoline station.

    Just a demonstration station, still not the real thing.

    This seems akin to what GM is doing in Hawaii.

  2. I think it’s a matter of perspective. I think 40-fillups per day will be adequate at first when a low number of hydrogen cars rollout. And obviously this number will need to increase as the number of hydrogen cars on the road increases. Most of the older hydrogen fueling stations in existence now don’t have the capacity for 40 fillups per day and this has been adequate for several years. I do like your thinking and optimism in planning for the future, however.

  3. CC-HOD Catalytic Carbon Hydrogen on Demand an easy to implement low cost high volume (30 gallons+ per minute) process. Couple CC-HOD with storage tanks the only limitation of Hydrogen output will be the hopper size which feeds Catalyzed Aluminum, CA to the Hydrogen generator cell. 1,000 fill-ups a day no problem. . Information James Coger 1-479-841-7116

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