On August 7, 2008 I had talked about NASA testing their hydrogen-powered VASIMR plasma rocket on the International Space Station. On April 17, 2009 I had talked about NASA building a renewable hydrogen fueling station in Cleveland, Ohio.
If you were to check out this NASA page you will see how the U. S. space agency is inextricably tied to hydrogen and fuel cells. And, that’s a good thing.
Now, I want to talk about how NASA is teaming up with Cella Energy to produce micro-bead hydrogen technology. According to NASA, “This new approach to hydrogen will be the focus of research, development and possible production during the five-year Space Act Agreement (SAA) between Kennedy and Cella. The company has formulated a way to store hydrogen safely in tiny pellets that still allow the fuel to be burned in an engine. Because of its rocket work, Kennedy has the infrastructure and experience necessary to handle hydrogen safely …
“…Cella hopes to make its micro-bead technology practical enough to be used as a fuel in most kinds of machinery, cars, and perhaps even spacesuits and portable electronics. The eventual goal is to use it in fuel-cell engines, which combine hydrogen and oxygen to generate electricity and produce water as the only exhaust product. Kennedy has worked with fuel-cell technology in Apollo spacecraft and space shuttles.”
So, there you have it. Now, we have a group of well-trained rocket scientists solving issues surrounding hydrogen fuel production for fuel cell vehicles. Now that the last Space Shuttle mission has flown why not put a group of eager and highly intelligent scientists to work solving the issues surrounding a nationwide launch of hydrogen cars? A chicken in every pot, so to speak, and a hydrogen car in every garage.