Hawaii Home Hydrogen Fueling Stations Planned by H2 Technologies

Home Hydrogen Fueling Hydrogen Fuel Production

Home Hydrogen Fueling StationAlmost two years ago I had talked about Hawaii’s hydrogen economy getting in gear with the help of Governor Linda Lingle. Now, Governor Lingle is at it again, helping a company called H2 Technologies get $50 million in financing through the state’s bond program to develop hydrogen technology that will provide power for people’s homes and cars.

Part of H2 Technologies’ plan involves extracting hydrogen from water using renewable means such as wind turbines and solar power and not using any fossil fuels. This renewable energy source will power a system that uses an ultrasonic pulse on water plus electrolysis to produce hydrogen. This system was developed by inventor and CEO Tak Wada.

H2 Technologies envisions home hydrogen fueling stations that will provide compressed gas to cars and power to one’s home. One would guess that this unit may be in some ways similar in function to the Honda Home Energy Station IV, which does both tasks but is powered by natural gas and not water and electrolysis.

In November 2006, Hawaii opened up its first hydrogen fueling station at Hickam Air Force Base that powers an Enova hydrogen hybrid shuttle bus. But, putting the power of hydrogen in everyone’s garage is a far loftier and more worthwhile goal. In a few short years, the islanders will be saying “mahalo” to hydrogen for making Hawaii energy independent while making the islands a little greener than they already are.