FutureGen Power Plant to be Planted in Mattoon, Illinois

Hydrogen Fuel Production

I talked about it a couple of days ago and now it’s official. The new FutureGen clean coal power plant will be planted in Mattoon, Illinois. Mattoon is a town of less than 20,000 in east-central Illinois known as the “Bagel Capital of the World” and home to the Soybean Museum.

Illinois beat out Texas for the honors of the world’s first $1.4 billion clean coal-fired power plant. The 275-megawatt prototype FutureGen power plant will reside on 444 acres of former farmland just northwest of the city.

The FutureGen plant will focus on creating electricity cleanly through carbon capture and sequestration. The power plant will be generating high purity hydrogen from coal and then using the hydrogen to create electricity.

Much of the coal for this project will come from the Peabody Energy Corporation, the nation’s largest coal producer. The FutureGen power plant will be producing enough electricity to light up 150,000 homes.