Algae Pyrolysis Steam Reforming to Create Hydrogen

September 22, 2009 | By Hydro Kevin Kantola | Filed in: Hydrogen Fuel Production.

In the past, I’ve talked about using algae to create hydrogen again and again and again and again. I’ve talked about Cyanobacteria genes (blue-green algae), Hawaiian algae, Germany and Australia developing algae solutions and algae balloons.

Well, yes, I’m actually going to talk about algae one more time (now, there’s a surprise). Energy Quest in Henderson, Nevada is using its new PyStR (Pyrolysis Steam Reforming) process to create hydrogen from algae and other biomass.

The Pyrolysis process will not only create high purity hydrogen, but also high purity CO2 (carbon dioxide) and N2 (nitrogen) as well. Hydrogen can be sold on the open market for H2 cars and stationary fuel cells.

CO2 can also be sold on the open market for oil recovery from abandoned wells (where it can also be sequestered), carbonation for the beverage industry and as a feedstock to grow more algae. Nitrogen can be sold on the open market for the creation of ammonia for fertilizers, nitric acid or organic propellants.

Energy Quest is currently working with a manufacturer in Cleveland that is growing a strain of algae that requires more CO2 than is currently in the ambient air in order to hit its maximum growth rate.

Algae farming may likely become a growth industry in the future as all it needs to flourish is water, sunlight and CO2. Future Farmers of America may be growing algae instead of or in addition to corn, wheat, soybeans and other crops.

Organic fuel is nothing new and the fuel cell cars of the future may just powered by algae. Now, how green is that?

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