EU Hydrogen Road Tour Taps the Brakes in England

Hydrogen Education

On 09-11-2012 I paid homage to those who had lost their lives 11 years earlier on the Eastern part of the U. S. due to terrorist attacks. I also stated that I was looking forward to the building of the European Hydrogen Highway system and the European Hydrogen Road Tour 2012. The EU H2 road tour is now approximately 2/3 completed.

The European Hydrogen Road Tour 2012 is currently in England visiting Bristol, Swindon and London. Bristol is home to the Hydrogenesis which is the UK’s first hydrogen powered ferryboat. The official launch of the 12 person H2 ferryboat will be later this month.

According to the Managing Director of Auriga Energy Ltd., Jas Singh, “The innovative and ground breaking Hydrogenesis ferry will bring a new era of quiet and emission free operations to the Bristol Harbour and add to Bristol’s industrial heritage. This showcase is an exciting glimpse into the future of hydrogen powered integrated road and marine transport with Bristol at the leading edge.”

To date, the EU Hydrogen Road Tour 2012 has traveled to Hamburg, Hannover, Bolzano, Paris and Cardiff. After the short stint in Great Britain, the final leg of the journey will be to Copenhagen where the Tour members will celebrate the successful event.

2 thoughts on “EU Hydrogen Road Tour Taps the Brakes in England


    “October 08, 2012

    Moving with the speed and precision of the actual vehicle being manufactured there, in a time period of less than six weeks, Air Products (NYSE: APD) put in place its industry-leading hydrogen fueling technology and infrastructure to successfully convert a significant portion of a lift truck fleet at the Mercedes-Benz U.S. International, Inc. facility in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. The 72 converted lifts, now hydrogen-powered fuel cell material handling units, began daily operations moving Mercedes vehicle parts for assembly when employees returned to the manufacturing facility from an annual week-long summer shutdown.

    “It was important to our customer to have the hydrogen fueling and infrastructure all in place so they could ramp-up immediately upon return to work from their annual break. This was a tall order to complete in six weeks from the signing of the contract, but with safety being the absolute first priority, we had the market experience to successfully make this happen for Mercedes,” said Sarah Hammond, business development manager for Hydrogen Energy Systems at Air Products. The leader in providing hydrogen fueling and the related infrastructure to the material handling market, Air Products is now safely fueling over 1,000 pieces of material handling equipment on a daily basis in the U.S. “

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