2008 Hydrogen Car Challenge in Australia and New Zealand

Hydrogen Education

H2 Kit CarThe 2008 Hydrogen Car Challenge in Australia and New Zealand gives kids a chance to get out of school for a while and learn about hydrogen technology. Students will be able to build fuel cell cars from kits and how to power them with water and electricity.

On the website, there is a photo page with nifty pictures of the hydrogen kit cars that the students will build. Also, on the homepage is a humorous video describing the competition and a call to action among students and teachers.

The 2008 Hydrogen Car Challenge will start as early as this August and will wind up with the International Finals in Sydney, Australia on November 1, 2008. Elanora State High School took two out of three top honors last year, so expect them to be competitive once again this year.

It’s fun, educational and outdoors, and the 2008 Hydrogen Car Challenge provides students with a glimpse into the future they may be gainfully employed in one day not too far off.