Roads2Hy Communities Handbook B Released

Hydrogen Economy

European hydrogen advocacy entity has released its “Communities Handbook Volume B”. While Volume A focuses on an introduction to hydrogen and fuel cell technology, Volume B takes a closer look at how communities can engage with hydrogen energy.

Volume B looks at criteria that are for the public good in local communities such as local air quality, global warming, quality of life, being an early adopter and supporting increased energy needs. Volume B also investigates the commercial good for local communities such as supporting regional companies, setting up factories, developing new markets, positive branding for the region and attracting investment locally.

For those primarily focused on air quality, replacing fossil fuel engines with zero emissions fuel cell vehicles will be of interest. Also, from a local angle, generating hydrogen for the vehicles using renewable energy such as wind or solar will also mean no CO2 or other noxious fumes will be added to the region’s air quality issues from the production of H2.

On the commercial end, setting up fuel cell factories or other supporting business for transportation, stationary fuel cells or portable fuel cells will mean jobs and economic growth. In Europe there are several regions that have already been branding themselves as hydrogen-friendly such as Iceland, Norway, Germany and the Island of Unst in the British Shetland Islands.

In the U. S., California of course ranks at the top, but also on the East Coast both North Carolina and South Carolina are busy branding their regions as places for hydrogen research, development and commercialization.

Volume B gives a good overview of why hydrogen development is beneficial to local communities and the political will and early adopter mentality that is necessary to succeed. The Volume C handbook, that is due out shortly, will delve even further into how to successfully run a hydrogen-based community.