They’ll Have to Break Into My Garage to Take My Honda Clarity Away

Hydrogen Cars

The actual quote by Honda Clarity driver and assistant Principal Jack Cusick is, “They’re going to have to break into my garage if they think they’re getting this car back in three years.”

The Los Angeles Times wrote an interesting article about the Honda FCX Clarity that adds some tidbits to the information I’ve already published about this car. And I have already published quite a bit of info about the Honda Clarity.

One tidbit of information is that even though the 3 year lease is steep at $600 per month, this price also includes comprehensive and collision insurance, the cost of hydrogen fuel, plus regular maintenance.

Another tidbit is that there are currently 20 Honda Clarity drivers, but once hydrogen stations in Southern California are opened later this year in Newport Beach, Fountain Valley, Torrance and Harbor City, then this will allow 180 more Clarity drivers to be added to the program.

The last tidbit is from UC Irvine technology manager Tim Brown, who researches picking the right locations for future hydrogen stations, “If you optimize where you put them, 8 hydrogen stations can ensure the same level of service as 34 gas stations.”

Okay, I’m all out of tidbits this time around. But I’ll leave you with one last thought. Since I don’t live too far away from Mr. Cusick, it may not be Honda breaking into his garage before 3 years is up, taking his Clarity out for a joyride along the Pacific Coast Highway. So, lock that garage.  🙂