Smart Cars Gets Smarter with Fuel Cells

Hydrogen Cars

The Smart Car has decided to get smarter and run on fuel cells instead of gasoline or diesel engines. The Smart Car, developed by Swatch, manufactured by DaimlerChrysler and imported into the U. S. by Zap is a squashed version of the Volkswagen Bug in size and appearance.

Currently there are three models including the Smart ForTwo, ForFour and Roadster. Crash safety modifications had to be made to the Smart Cars before they were allowed to be sold in the U. S. market.

The head cheese at the Swiss-based Swatch company, Nicolas Hayek, has stated that he wants to accelerate development of alternative energy vehicles, especially fuel cell vehicles. So, Hayak is starting an alliance with the Paul Scherrer Institute and Groupe E to introduce fuel cells to the Smart Cars. He expects to be in production by 2010.

This sounds like a smart move to me. Very smart.

1 thought on “Smart Cars Gets Smarter with Fuel Cells

  1. I am very interested in the technology discussed here. I would love to get as much information as I can and get help in rasing awareness. I am far from a tree hugger, but I would love to have my grandchildren be able to breath air wihtout a filter.

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