Hyundai has decided to combine two important social missions in one including helping kids with cancer and helping save the environment through hydrogen cars. The Hyundai Hope on Wheels tour started yesterday and will include a 4,500 mile drive across the country visiting children’s hospitals along the way.
A Hyundai Tucson Hybrid FCEV hydrogen SUV will be driven showing off the durability and endurance of this fuel cell vehicle. In addition, Hyundai will be donating $100,000 apiece to 71 pediatric cancer research projects and programs for a total of $7.1 million.
Hyundai has taken corporate responsibility and citizenship very seriously. According to Hyundai, “To recognize National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, the first donation, in the form of a $100,000 Hope Grant, will be received on September 1 by UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital. All month long, the remaining $7 million in Hope Grants will be awarded as Hyundai Hope on Wheels travels the country, conducting handprint ceremonies with 70 additional hospitals … “
Hyundai goes onto say, “Earlier this year, Hyundai Hope on Wheels opened up a call for proposals for its 2011 Hope Grant program, with the goal to support the best, brightest and most promising researchers, whose work is likely to have a significant impact on understanding the biology and/or developing diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in the field of pediatric cancer. The winning 71 proposals include research projects and programs ranging from evaluating new research in genomic medicine to important survivorship and family support programs.”
From San Francisco to New York City, the Hyundai Tucson Hybrid FCEV will stop at more than 15 children’s Handprint Ceremonies each with its own story from the kids about difficulties and hope regarding the disease.
While most carmakers have chosen to simply promote their own products, Hyundai has taken the role of corporate citizen to a new level aligning themselves with an important children’s social cause. Hopefully the other automakers will take note, follow Hyundai’s lead and caravan their own crusade of hydrogen cars coupled with an important social cause that will benefit society. This two-fold approach is a win-win for everyone.
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