Hydrogen Cars and Vehicles Blog Humble Beginnings

Hydrogen Cars

This is the first of hopefully many blog entries about hydrogen cars. Because its been very difficult to find any blogs devoted exclusively to hydrogen cars, I’ve decided to start my own.

What the heck, I already have one of the very first hydrogen car websites on the Internet, so it just follows that this blog will be one of the first of its kind as well.

This has been quite a mystery to me as well. With President Bush mentioning hydrogen cars in a couple of his past State of the Union addresses, I thought there would be all sorts of hydrogen car websites popping up all over the place. I also thought hundreds of blogs would pop up as well, crackling about the upcoming hydrogen economy.

Boy, was I wrong! So, this is the humble beginnings of what I hope to be years full of blog entries about hydrogen cars and other H2 vehicles. I figure its just a matter of time until interest gets hot in regards to this new technology.

Until then, I will keep reporting on the latest and greatest happenings in this fledgling industry.