Honda FCX Receives $12,000 Tax Credit From IRS

Hydrogen Cars

The Honda FCX hydrogen-powered fuel cell car is receiving a $12,000 tax credit from the Internal Revenue Service. The Honda FCX has been designated to receive this credit under the Qualified Fuel Cell Motor Vehicle Credit, which is part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005.

The Honda FCX is the only vehicle so far validated by both the California Air Resources Board and the United States EPA as a zero emissions vehicle. The $12,000 tax credit will only be for those individuals who purchase the vehicle. Since no Honda FCX’s have been offered for sale, the point is moot however for now.

On this years’ federal tax forms, I noticed that hydrogen cars were mentioned for the first time ever, but this was just a teaser since no one could yet claim to own one. This just goes to show, however, that Honda is taking the necessary steps and getting its ducks in a row for a future roll out of the FCX and other hydrogen vehicles.

Now, if we could just push the hybrids out of the carpool lane and put hydrogen cars there instead, this will be yet another step in the right direction.