Formula Zero Go-Cart Racing Tests Hydrogen Interest

Hydrogen Cars

Formula Zero intends to be a traveling circus on wheels when it hits the circuit not long from now. Formula Zero will be the first hydrogen fuel cell go-cart racing venue anywhere and will set up its portable racetracks outside of popular existing venues such as grand prix races, industrial fairs and political summits.

Formula Zero is the brainchild of two Dutch designers, Godert van Hardenbroek and Eelco Rietveld. Their idea in conceiving this race is to demonstrate to the public that zero emissions and fun can go hand-in-hand.

To this end, they have developed the Mark 2 hydrogen race cart. The cart uses a Hydrogenics fuel cell, which is coupled with a Gravitron electric motor and Boostcap ultra-capacitor that can supply 50 kW of power for 6 seconds for quick acceleration. The ultra-capacitors store extra energy from the fuel cell plus are recharged via regenerative braking. Fuel is stored in “click and go” hydrogen tanks at 200 bar for efficient refueling.

The hydrogen fuel cell races will begin in Europe and expand to the U. S. and Asia as interest picks up. The ultimate goal of the fuel cell go-cart demonstration project is to develop the venue into a worldwide, full-size hydrogen fuel cell car race by 2015.