Obama, McCain the Talk at Hydrogen Fuel Cell Seminar & Exposition

Fuel Cells

Supporters of both Barack Obama and John McCain will go toe-to-toe, mano-e-mano over hydrogen fuel cells at the 32nd Fuel Cell Seminar & Exposition (FCS&E) in Phoenix, Arizona October 27th through the 30th. Just one week before the November 4 Presidential election supporters of Obama and McCain will be talking fuel cells and alternative energy policy at the Phoenix Convention Center before some 2,000 scientists and the general public.

In addition to scientists and the public, the FCS&E will also feature other attendees such as researchers, buyers and product manufacturers. For the general public (licensed drivers) there will be a ride and drive of hydrogen fuel cell cars on October 29 and 30.

Organized by the California Fuel Cell Partnership, the H2 vehicles will include the Chevy Equinox, Daimler F-Cell, Honda Clarity, Hyundai Tucson and the Toyota FCHV. The Expo’s “Demo World” will feature how fuel cells are now being used in homes and businesses. And, on Oct. 29 is “Educator’s Day” where teachers and instructors throughout the state of Arizona are invited to learn about fuel cells and their applications.

It’s hard to imagine what Obama and McCain disagree on in regard to hydrogen fuel cells. Both have come out in the past advocating for more R&D for alternative fuels and alternative energy sources. The supporters could have a non-debate or it could show significant differences between the candidates on how much money and government resources they are willing to allocate to bring fuel cells into the mainstream.

Rhetoric without financial backing is not what this industry needs right now. Green jobs may cost a little money upfront but in the long run they will pay off in aces and spades (or good ole green energy greenbacks).