Fuel Cells Hot in 2008

Fuel Cells

Let’s face it, fuel cells were very warm in 2007 and now they’re already hot in 2008. In October, I had talked about Horizon Fuel Cell and Millennium Cell teaming up to build a hydrogen-powered emergency generator for around $400.

In a few days, the companies will be debuting their HydroPak emergency power generator at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. The hydrogen-powered generator is capable of running notebook computers, portable lights and other emergency devices for more than 14 hours when needed.

The HydroPak is an alternative to lead acid battery backup power and other portable generators. Disposable cartridges to power the HydroPak cost $20 making this an economical alternative to other devices.

Acta has debuted its first platinum-free disposable fuel cells that are supposed to compete with lead acid, alkaline and lithium-ion batteries in small portable electronic devices. By developing fuel cells without platinum, Acta is able to make their products very cost competitive.

IdaTech has just introduced its CE certified 250-watt iGen backup fuel cell power system. Manufactured mainly for reliable power for the telecommunications industry, the iGen system is fueled by a combination of methanol and water.

Technology developed for fuel cells in other industries may be ported over to the hydrogen car industry. Of particular interest to the hydrogen car industry are platinum-free fuel cells and liquid or solid fuels that serve as an alternative to compressed hydrogen gas. From laptops to hardtops, fuel cells are red hot for 2008.