The University of Waterloo has done a fine job of coming up with a robust idea for cheaper fuel cell for cars. This could mean that we spend less on fuel cell cars, and get greater efficiency and makie the world a safer, more environmentally-friendly place.
According to Xianguo Li (pictured below), the Director of the Fuel Cell & Green Energy Lab, Waterloo University, progress is looking good. Li said: “With our design approach, the cost could be comparable or even cheaper than gasoline engines. The future is very bright. This is clean energy that could boom.”

The research team has created an excellent way to make sure that electricity levels in the fuel cells will be more consistent. At the moment, a major problem in FC’s is with excessive fluctuation of energy. Li and his colleagues have come up with a solution that may help to counteract this costly issue.
An electrical solution for most vehicles?
According to Li, though, they have managed to solve two of the biggest problems for fuel cells, including the cost of production and the durability. Speaking further, Li said: “We have found a way to lower costs and still satisfy durability and performance expectations. We’re meeting economic targets while providing zero emissions for a transportation application.
“This is a good first step, a transition to what could be the answer to the internal combustion engine and the enormous environmental harm it does.”
By working with the lead researcher on the project, Hongtao Zhang and energy mastermind Jianyue Yan, Xinzhi Li has given us hope that we could see a breakthrough in what has been a major problem for fuel cells for years. And FC car owners will be one of the many beneficiaries of such research.