Gasoline Water Hybrid Car


This seems to be “Video Week” here on the blog as this will be the third video I’ve posted a link to this week. I’ve been getting quite a few requests recently from people at the grassroots level who want to build their own hydrogen cars or at least hydrogen engines.

So, I came across a video of an inventor who has converted his gasoline-only car into a hybrid car that converts the water he stores in the car’s trunk to hydrogen and runs partly off the gasoline and partly off the hydrogen.

Perhaps this video will inspire some of you other inventors to get cracking and come up with your own hydrogen or partly hydrogen cars. If so, I want to know about it! Email me here with pictures.

1 thought on “Gasoline Water Hybrid Car

  1. My 1990 LeBaron gets 50 MPG @ 70 MPH Since 1994 Has
    Been Hybrid HAFC KIt , Pulsar Plugs Fuel Shark and Kicks butt of the Road Now I offer New Advanced Patent Pending Technology Hydrogen Fuel Cell for any Vehicle , Affordable, Ease of use , Lifetime Warranty

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