Building the Hydrogen Economy Workshop in Detroit, Michigan


There is a “Building the Hydrogen Economy Workshop” scheduled for April 2 – 4, 2007 in Detroit, Michigan. The workshop is being sponsored by International Energy Agency (IEA) and the International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy (IPHE).

The goals of the workshop are to gather together public and private sector officials to try and hammer out a plan for developing a hydrogen infrastructure to support the fueling of hydrogen vehicles. The workshop is geared toward linking international partners with special emphasis on the U. S., China, India and Brazil.

Some of the issues addressed by the workshop will include reducing the cost of building the infrastructure, how much money the government will need to spend, the purity and pressure of hydrogen required for future needs, viability of using existing gas pipelines, the feasibility of using electrolysis over natural gas reformation and the prospects for high temperature PEM fuel cells.

The workshop intends to be a starting point to getting the conversation rolling about hydrogen infrastructure rollout in both this country and internationally. This kind of coordinated effort and more will be needed if the hydrogen infrastructure of the future is to ever become a reality.