Who Killed the Hydrogen Car – Part 1


If you’ve seen the current documentary “Who Killed the Electric Car” you’ll know that hydrogen cars have been found to be one of the guilty contributors to the demise of EVs. I think this assignation of blame is misplaced. I believe that in regards to lessening our dependency upon foreign oil and reducing emissions into the environment, we’re all in this together. Whether you happen to be an advocate for pure electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles, or those that run on ethanol, bio-fuels or hydrogen – we’re all in this together and share common friends and foes in our endeavors.

If ethanol cars or a resurgent interest in all electric vehicles happen to “kill” the hydrogen car due to friendly competition or because of simple consumer preference, I will not be crying foul because a more popular technology has come along to pique the cultural interests. No matter which technology comes along that will result in a cleaner environment, lower prices at the pump and less dependence upon the volatile world crude oil market, I will be thrilled. Though the moviemakers for “Who Killed the Electric Car” see it as a win-lose situation, I see friendly competition for the Greenest Car crown to be win-win for consumers.

Also, as I’ve predicted in other blog entries, the ultimate green car of the future will be neither all hydrogen nor will it be all electric. The ultimate green machine of the future will be a plug-in hybrid electric hydrogen vehicle. This vehicle will use the best of all technologies available and will give us all a chance to breathe a sigh of relief and a breath of fresh air at the same time.