Senators Say Funding Must Stay for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Programs

Every once in a while I write about the political issues surrounding the creation of hydrogen fuel cell cars and its supporting infrastructure. In June, 2010 I had talked about how U. S. Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND) and U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) were fighting with the Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary Steven Chu […]

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Redirect Subsidies for Oil Companies to Build Hydrogen Fueling Stations

Over the years, I’ve talked many times about the cost of building a nationwide hydrogen fueling infrastructure. The critics often throw out a high ball figure of $500 billion in order to replicate the current amount of gasoline dispensing stations nationwide. This is an errant figure meant to scare people about even thinking about putting […]

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As Obama Cuts Hydrogen Budget DOE Still Promotes H2 Vehicles

When it comes to Washington DC politics it’s not always clear whether the dog is wagging the tail or the tail is wagging the dog. Such is the case with hydrogen. Recently I talked about how President Obama once again has proposed to slash the hydrogen budget by $70 million through the Department of Energy […]

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Obama Says Hydrogen Not Clean Energy

Once again President Obama is proposing to cut the hydrogen budget from the DOE (Department of Energy). Apparently our President does think hydrogen has anything to do with clean energy since he is also proposing increasing spending on clean energy programs to $8 billion. The hydrogen funding cuts that Obama is proposing will amount to […]

Continue Reading Shows Government Getting Serious about H2

The website is now up and running. This is good for not only private sector advocates for hydrogen, but it shows that the public sector is getting serious about hydrogen as well. For years, hydrogen advocates like myself have complained that the will of our government seems weak when in comes to developing H2 […]

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