Emeryville, California Gets New Hydrogen Fueling Station

Emeryville, California which is just north of Oakland, has received a very special gift this week – a new hydrogen fueling station. The station which was built by the Linde Group was delivered to AC Transit, a municipal bus company that operates in the Emeryville, Oakland and Berkeley, California areas. According to the press release, […]

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More Fuel Cell Buses from Switzerland to California

From Switzerland to California (and everywhere in-between) fuel cell buses have become increasingly common over the past few years. They have become so common in fact that I usually don’t write about individual rollouts anymore and lump them together as I’m doing in this blog post. In Switzerland there is a company called PostBus that […]

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SunLine Transit Unveils 7th Generation Fuel Cell in American Fuel Cell Bus

The SunLine Transit company out of Thousand Palms, California yesterday unveiled its 7th generation fuel cell in its production ready American Fuel Cell Bus. In order for the bus to be “Buy America Compliant” 60-percent of its components had to be manufactured within the U. S. This compliancy qualified SunLine for some Federal funding. However, […]

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HYFLEET: CUTE Shuts Down but CHIC Project Ramps Up

The HYFLEET: CUTE project in Europe has officially come to an end. HYFLEET: CUTE was a demonstration project that accomplished its goals of proving that hydrogen buses are indeed worthy alternative fuel vehicles worth pursuing via commercialization. According to me, “HyFLEET: CUTE is based upon the information garnered from three other projects, CUTE, ECTOS (Ecological […]

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Hamburg, Germany Puts 4 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Buses on Road

It’s true that Germany has been a beehive of activity these past 5 years when it comes to developing hydrogen cars, vehicles and the supporting infrastructure. Germany has far outpaced development of the same in the United States and Japan, its two closest competitors. And now Germany is doing it again by introducing four Mercedes-Benz […]

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Future Bus Credo E-Bone Powered by Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Well there have been some wacky designs in the car world as any trade show will tell you. Concept cars are pretty prevalent there. But, concept buses are another matter altogether. This futuristic concept bus was invented by designer Peter Simon. The Credo E-Bone is powered by a combination of hydrogen fuel cells and lithium […]

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