Hydrail Transition: The Catenary versus the Hindenburg

by Guest Blogger Stan Thompson A headline in the January 2018 online issue of Britain’s Institution of Mechanical Engineers publication is the latest hydrail transition landmark: Transport Secretary calls for hydrogen trains Transport Secretary Chris Grayling has said the introduction of hydrogen-powered trains is “a priority” for Britain’s railways. The article by Amit Katwala goes […]

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Incorrect Valve Caused Hydrogen Station Fire in Emeryville, California

Okay, so it’s not my favorite thing to publish articles that the critics of hydrogen may jump on. And this is one of those articles. But I also believe when talking about hydrogen it’s good to get the whole story out in the open including the good, bad and everything in-between. This way people can […]

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New Hydrogen Sensors Contribute to Fuel Cell Vehicle Safety

Many people are concerned with the safety of fuel cell vehicles. After all consumers aren’t used to gassing up with hydrogen fuel like they are gasoline and don’t fully know how the safety issues of one fuel compares to another. People in general know that hydrogen is a flammable and combustible gas and even film […]

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Big Rig Carrying Hydrogen Catches Fire No Explosion

Here’s another story for all the naysayers, doomsdayers, end-of-worlders and Armageddon-ites when it comes to hydrogen. There was a big rig truck in Texas carrying compressed hydrogen gas that caught fire and partly burned. I say partly because the video shows the back end of the truck burned but not the middle or front. The […]

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Hydrogen Car Vehicle Authorization Systems Coming to California

The U. S. Hydrogen Highway system started in California. One of the reasons is that California is known to have some of the most stringent vehicle emissions standards in the country (as well as pollution from cars). So, in order to battle pollution from cars, California has turned to alternative fuel vehicles in a big […]

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Opel Receives Award Testing H2 Fueling Stations for Safety

I’ve talked before about the GM Opel HydroGen4 minivan rolling out in Germany. I’ve also talked about the GM HydroGen4 being shown in the U. S. and being a part of Germany’s Project Driveway testing program. Now, GM’s subsidiary Opel has received a prestigious bronze FCell award in Germany for a new method of testing […]

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