U. S. DOT Supports Hydrogen Injection – Part 2

Yesterday, I talked about the U. S. Department of Transportation document that says hydrogen injection, as they call it, is a viable source for supplementary fuel. Because this topic is so important I want to continue speaking of the DOT document and providing excerpts that show how seriously our government is taking this new, emerging […]

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Government Says Hydrogen Fuel Injection Is Viable Technology

Hydrogen fuel injection has been a topic of intense debate. Critics say that since they can’t wrap their heads around how it works, this means it simply can’t work. But, hydrogen generators for cars and trucks do work and the U. S. Department of Transportation (DOT) acknowledged this fact a year ago. In November 2007, […]

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Hydrogen Fuel Injection Helps School Buses Increase Mileage

I’ve been talking a lot lately about hydrogen generators for cars and trucks. This hydrogen fuel injection (HFI) technology will now be used on school buses in Canada. Hydrogen Hybrid Technologies Incorporated (HHT) has just received its first orders to install the HHO devices on the buses in district 5 in British Columbia. British Columbia […]

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Hydrogen Gas Saver in Small Alabama Town

I’ve written a lot lately about hydrogen generators for cars including commercial kits or DIY systems. Now, a Hartselle, Alabama man, a former preacher, teacher and automotive guy has decided build his own hydrogen gas saver and is experiencing quite a bump in mileage by doing so. According to the Hartselle Enquirer, Worcester Telegram and […]

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