Protein Creates Hydrogen Gas 10 Times Faster Than Nature

Researchers using a protein or enzyme really called a hydrogenase plus a nickel-based catalyst were able to create hydrogen gas 10 times faster than proteins found in natural microbes and 100 times faster than the previous synthetic catalyst record holder. The scientists used nickel which is a much cheaper metal than the norm which is […]

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Duke University Creates Solar to Hydrogen Hybrid System

Duke engineer Nico Hotz believes that rooftop solar panels as they stand now are under-utilized. Hotz proposes a new solar hybrid system that creates hydrogen that can be run through a fuel cell and create electricity any time it is needed. According to Duke University, “Instead of systems based on standard solar panels, Duke engineer […]

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BMW Studies Landfill Gas to Hydrogen for Car Plant

BMW used to manufacture the prototype Hydrogen 7 internal combustion driven car that ran off either liquid H2O or gasoline. BMW has discontinued doing so but has found another way to go eco-friendly. Since 2003, the Spartanburg, South Carolina BMW plant has ported over landfill gas in the form of methane via a 9.5 mile […]

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Stanford Develops Direct Solar Water Splitter to Create Hydrogen

I’ve talked about direct solar to hydrogen production several times in the past (see links at the bottom of the page) and Stanford University researchers in Northern California think they may have solved the sticking point in order that this kind of R&D can go forward. Water is the most abundant resource on Earth and […]

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BC Canada Building High Tech Hydrogen Plant Using Waste Products

In Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada the world’s first small scale liquid hydrogen plant is being constructed. And the kicker is that they will be recycling “waste hydrogen” to put to good use in H2 cars and buses. According to the official British Columbia Newsroom, “The hydrogen liquefaction plant will produce 1200 kg/day of liquid hydrogen. […]

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