Hydrogen from Salt Water and Magnets a Possibility

Desalination plants everywhere could be producing hydrogen gas from seawater if the right device were to be installed. This is the word from physicist Roberto De Luca from Italy’s University of Salerno. De Luca has run laboratory tests where he has forced salt water (containing sodium and chlorine ions) through a thin rectangular pipe that […]

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Blue Tower Hydrogen from Waste Projects in U. S. and Germany

Blue Tower Energy for years has been working outside the box. The company is in the process of developing and demonstrating methods in Germany and the U. S. to turn waste into hydrogen and supply power to local residents. In Germany, the plan is to collect roadside grass clippings along the Ruhr region and process […]

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Oregon Nuclear Reactor Test for Hydrogen Production

In the past, I’ve talked about the possibility of using nuclear reactors to not only generate electricity but also to produce hydrogen as a byproduct. Critics of hydrogen cars point to brute force electrolysis of water being too energy intensive to make it financially viable (and of course this is for another discussion altogether). But, […]

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