Move over Veggie Diesel as Veggie Hydrogen is on the Way

When gasoline prices moved over $4 per gallon a couple of years back and diesel fuel was over $5 per gallon there was great interest in finding alternatives. One alternative that had been around for years was to recycle used vegetable oil from restaurants for use in diesel powered vehicles. On of the main complaints […]

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Hydrogen Harvester from OriginOil Creates H2 from Algae

In the past, I’ve talked many times about the algae hydrogen connection. Many see algae as the perfect biofuel for creating hydrogen since it can be grown rapidly, almost anywhere and can produce large amounts of H2. A beer brewery may be the closest common analogy to an algal biorefinery. In fact, in May 2007 […]

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Japanese Solar Hydrogen Electrolysis Reduces Voltage 50-Percent

One of the problems of brute force electrolysis has always been the amount of energy it takes to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. The use of different kinds of metal or chemical catalysts, sound wave frequencies and other methods to loosen the bonds between hydrogen and oxygen atoms have met with encouraging success. And, […]

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GridShift Hydrogen Fuel at $2.51 per Gallon Breakthrough

There has been a press release circulating for the past couple of days by a company called GridShift Inc. that claims to have made an electrolysis breakthrough that will deliver compressed hydrogen fuel at around $2.51 per kilogram (equivalent to a gallon). This press release has met with some skepticism from sources such as […]

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Hydrogen from Seawater Using Molybdenum Oxo Catalyst

Researcher Jeffrey Long and his colleagues at UC Berkeley have discovered a cost effective way to make hydrogen from seawater using a molybdenum-oxo catalyst and a mercury electrode. This is not Long’s first foray into H2 either as back in 2005, he was working on developing hydrogen storage materials for use in cars. In September […]

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