Cost of Hydrogen Gas Less Than Gasoline

One of the critics’ biggest arguments against moving to a hydrogen economy and hydrogen transportation system has been that the price of hydrogen gas is too high relative to gasoline. Last month, I blogged about a new hydrogen fueling station that had opened up near Chicago, Illinois that was charging $3.49 per gallon equivalent for […]

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Solar-Powered Hydrogen Fueling Station Dedicated in Las Vegas

In Las Vegas, Nevada a solar-powered hydrogen fueling station was dedicated yesterday by representatives of the Las Vegas Valley Water District (LVVWD) and the UNLV Research Foundation. Solar panels, which follow the movement of the sun throughout the day, will be used to generate electricity that will then electrolyze water to create hydrogen for the […]

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First Hydrogen Fueling Station in India to Open in 2007

The first hydrogen fueling station in India is expected to open in early 2007 by the Indian Oil Corporation (IOC). The hydrogen fueling station will be located near the major city of Delhi in a town called Nigambodh Ghat. Consumers at the station will be able to purchase either pure hydrogen (or neat hydrogen as […]

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