Chinese Car Maker Shanghai Automotive to Put FCV to Market

As the Obama Administration keeps trying to give body blows to the emerging hydrogen car market, yet another automobile company is stepping forward with their intentions of producing an H2 fuel cell vehicle (FCV) within the next few years, and this one also happens to be a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) as well. Chinese […]

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APFCT Fuel Cell Microcar and Scooter Update

I’ve talked about Asia Pacific Fuel Cell Technologies Ltd. (APFCT) before. In August 2010 I had talked about how APFCT was producing 10 hydrogen microcars and 10 fuel cell scooters. Then in January 2011, I had talked about how the first swappable hydrogen canister station had been setup at the National Tsing-Hua University in Taiwan. […]

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Hyundai Blue2 FCEV Unveiled For Future Drivers

The Hyundai Blue2 fuel cell electric vehicle was unveiled for future drivers recently at the Seoul Motor Show in South Korea. The concept vehicle uses a 90 Kw fuel cell to deliver not only significant power but an 82 mpge fuel efficiency rating. The Hyundai Blue2 is a significant upgrade from their current lineup including […]

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Plug-In Hybrid Fuel Cell Vehicle Courtesy U. of Waterloo

The students at the University of Waterloo in Ontario Canada are not making their last stand but their first in developing a hydrogen fuel cell plug-in hybrid vehicle that one day may be commercialized. Now, a couple of the major automakers have already come up with such a vehicle such as the Ford HySeries Edge […]

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