Hydrogen Peroxide Race Car Shows Power of Green Energy

I’ve talked about hydrogen peroxide powered vehicles a dozen times in the past, but I haven’t spoken about them in a while, so I thought it was time to bring up the subject once again. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) that is fuel grade (90-percent or better) is a caustic liquid, that when used as fuel provides […]

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Follow Up Conversation with Hyrail’s Creator Justin Sutton

A couple of days ago I talked about Interstate Traveler’s maglev Hyrail system and its creator Justin Sutton. Yesterday I had the pleasure of speaking with Mr. Sutton and follow up with him on some of the details of his cutting edge solar and hydrogen powered elevated rail train. One of the core pieces to […]

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Underground Coal Gasification Could Aid Hydrogen Production

While the talk about clean coal started under the Bush administration and has continued under the Obama administration, what has been neglected is the discussion concerning underground coal gasification (UCG). What this means is that many coal seams are too deep to mine. So, in order to take advantage of these huge coal reserves companies […]

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Hyrail Hydrogen Superhighway by Interstate Traveler

The hyrail project is a BIG IDEA that I’ve talked about before in March 2009. Justin Sutton with Interstate Traveler has come up with a grand idea for a disruptive maglev light rail system that is powered by solar and hydrogen that will change the way people travel forever. This 200 mph Hyrail Hydrogen Superhighway […]

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