Aluminum Super Atom Creates Hydrogen from Water

Over the past few years, I’ve talked many times about the merits of combining aluminum and water to create hydrogen. Researchers have been working on using aluminum both inside and outside the car for such hydrogen on demand production. Some of these methods involve using either an aluminum alloy or aluminum, water and some other […]

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The Price of Converting Cars Trucks and Vans to Run on Hydrogen

I’ve talked about this before but I haven’t talked about it in a while and there is an update in regard to converting cars, trucks or vans to run on hydrogen gas. Now, converting an internal combustion engine (ICE) to run on hydrogen is not quite as clean out the tailpipe as a fuel cell, […]

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Walmart Using Hydrogen Fuel Cell Forklifts in Western Canada

With the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics in full swing and hydrogen fuel cell buses and Chevy Equinox FCVs carrying people to and fro plus the British Columbia Hydrogen Highway system in full use, there has been another development for Western Canada. In October 2007, I had talked about how the world’s largest retailer, Walmart was […]

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