Europe Pulling Out Stops on Hydrogen Car Infrastructure

The European Commission Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking has announced that it has $60.5 million USD in funding to grant towards hydrogen cars, refueling stations, production, distribution plus stationary power generation. Of this amount, two-thirds will go towards the hydrogen transportation marketplace. In the past I’ve talked about both the European Hydrogen Highway system […]

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It’s Official: First Commercial Production Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles for Sale

Yes, there have been a few commercial hydrogen fuel cell production cars built (such a by Honda and Daimler) but they have been for lease and not for sale. Yesterday I talked about hydrogen fuel cell Sysco forklifts and palette trucks powered by Plug Power Gendrive systems possibly being the first commercial production hydrogen fuel […]

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Sysco Warehouse Opens with Fuel Cell Forklifts, Palette Trucks

In May 2010, I wondered aloud whether or not fuel cell forklifts and palette trucks used in large warehouse settings, would in fact be the first commercial production hydrogen vehicles on the market. Now, there is more evidence that this is so. In Houston, Texas Sysco Inc. opened their new 585,000-square-foot food distribution facility. They […]

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ACTA Hidro Hydrogen Boat Launched at Star European Championship

It may not be a Coast Guard cutter, Navy frigate or one of the many large powerboats used by drug runners in the Florida keys or off the coast of California, but this week the ACTA Hidro hydrogen boat was launched at the Star European Championship in Viareggio, Italy (the Tuscany region). The Star European […]

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APFCT Hydrogen Scooter Takes Road Trips Around Taiwan

For a while now, I’ve talked about the U. S., Europe, Japan and perhaps even South Korea and key areas of developed for hydrogen vehicles and fueling stations. Now, I may have to include Taiwan into this category as well. Asia Pacific Fuel Cell Technologies (APFCT) has just completed a 620 mile test drive of […]

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