Horizon Offers World’s First Hydrogen Fuel Cell for UAVs

Just a week after I had talked about a hydrogen-powered unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) for the Navy, the world’s first commercial hydrogen fuel cell system for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has been announced by Horizon. Now, I’ve talked about hydrogen-powered UAV’s before. In fact, about a year ago, Horizon teamed up Bluebird Aero Systems to […]

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Obama Talks Clean Energy Manufacturing But What about Hydrogen

Yesterday, President Obama signed into law the Manufacturing Enhancement Act of 2010. He says he wants to spur the growth of manufacturing jobs inside the U. S. and in particular clean energy jobs. According to President Obama’s speech before signing, “The extraordinary growth we’ve seen in the clean energy sector is due first and foremost […]

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Hydrogen Fueled UUV Created by AlumiFuel for Navy

This is not the first time I’ve mentioned AlumiFuel and their hydrogen on demand systems. In the past I’ve also talked about hydrogen powered submarines and hydrogen propelled unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Now, AlumiFuel Power Inc. (API) has announced that it is working with the U. S. Navy to create unmanned undersea vehicles (UUVs). During […]

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FAUN and Heliocentris Create Hydrogen Dual Fuel Garbage Truck

FAUN and Heliocentris have teamed up to develop a German garbage truck for BSR (Berliner Stadtreinigung) that runs on hydrogen, diesel fuel and is a battery electric hybrid vehicle as well. According to Heliocentris, “The garbage collection vehicle prototype will have an onboard hydrogen-powered fuel cell energy system. This allows the main drive (diesel engine) […]

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K2pure and Ballard Use Bleach Manufacturing Waste to Produce Hydrogen

Back in December 2007, I talked about how two chemical companies in Canada were starting to capture the waste hydrogen when producing sodium chlorate. The H2 they had simply been burning off was enough to provide hydrogen fuel to 20,000 cars. Now, another chemical plant is making a conversion so that it uses its hydrogen […]

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F-Cell Program in Stuttgart Germany Weak on U. S. Input

Now, one might expect that a Fuel Cell Conference held in Europe may have a European focus and neglect other parts of the world. The F-Cell Program held in Stuttgart Germany, September 27 – 28, 2010 does this plus a little more. The conference focuses on Europe first (many Germany, see my earlier post about […]

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Fuel Cells Come to South Africa via Clean Energy Incorporated

In September 2008, I had talked about how South Africa had started pushing their native mined platinum for fuel cells. South Africa currently produces roughly 80-percent of the world’s platinum resources. A month ago I had talked about how South Africa had dropped the ball in regard to introducing the world to hydrogen fuel cells […]

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