Low Cost Hydrogen from Water System Developed in Japan

I’ve talked about high temperature cracking of water to create hydrogen before. I’ve also talked about adding a catalyst such as aluminum or magnesium to aid the cracking of water into hydrogen. Now a Japanese company, FUKAI Environmental Research Institute has found a way to do both and do so at low cost. According to […]

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Future Bus Credo E-Bone Powered by Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Well there have been some wacky designs in the car world as any trade show will tell you. Concept cars are pretty prevalent there. But, concept buses are another matter altogether. This futuristic concept bus was invented by designer Peter Simon. The Credo E-Bone is powered by a combination of hydrogen fuel cells and lithium […]

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BMW Puts Money Where Mouth Is By Using Hydrogen Forklifts

BMW has been developing hydrogen cars since 1979. Their latest vehicle is the dual fuel BMW Hydrogen 7 which can run on either compressed H2 gas or gasoline with the press of a button. But, what has been missing from most of the major automaker’s lineup is the use of hydrogen fuel cell forklifts at […]

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Nuclear Powered Car and Hydrogen May Be in the Future

Okay, I’ll admit this is a stretch and not everyone is going to like this idea. But, I enjoy talking about possible future technology so this possibility has caught my attention. Some would say this is “leading edge technology” while others will say this is “bleeding edge technology”. But, according to an article in the […]

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