Platinum Free Fuel Cell Developed by LANL Researchers

Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) have developed a platinum free fuel cell that uses carbon, iron and cobalt on the cathode end of the PEM hydrogen fuel cell. With platinum currently priced at $1,800 per ounce this element is one of the major costs when producing fuel cells. According to LANL, “The Los […]

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Intelligent Energy Raises Capital to Commercialize Fuel Cells

On January 27, 2011 I had asked Intelligent Energy to stop demonstrating their products and start commercializing them. Now, 4 months later they have made the announcement that they plan to do just that. The same company that has demonstrated vehicles such as the ENV, London Black Cabs, the Burgan scooter and the Suzuki Crosscage […]

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Honda Opening Hydrogen Fueling Stations in Japan and UK

While the Obama administration is yawning at the future prospect of hydrogen cars dotting the highway landscape, the major automakers are thinking otherwise. One such automaker is Honda which is full steam ahead in putting up hydrogen fueling stations in Japan and in the United Kingdom. In Japan, Honda is building a solar hydrogen fueling […]

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Molybdenum Based Catalyst for Cheap Hydrogen Production

Sometimes when you’re working in a science lab doing research you come up with unexpected and undesired consequences. Yet every once in a blue moon those undesired consequences turn out to be quite desirable. According to the press release, “Existing in large quantities on Earth, water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen. It can be […]

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APFCT Fuel Cell Microcar and Scooter Update

I’ve talked about Asia Pacific Fuel Cell Technologies Ltd. (APFCT) before. In August 2010 I had talked about how APFCT was producing 10 hydrogen microcars and 10 fuel cell scooters. Then in January 2011, I had talked about how the first swappable hydrogen canister station had been setup at the National Tsing-Hua University in Taiwan. […]

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SAE International World in Motion Fuel Cell Olympics Held This Week

This coming Thursday, April 14, 2011, SAE International will hold its first ever “World in Motion Fuel Cell Olympics” in Detroit. The event is being sponsored by GM. Last week I had talked about Michigan getting its first public hydrogen fueling station. So, it looks like the Great Lakes State (or the Wolverine State depending […]

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