Activated Carbon May Hold Key to Storing Hydrogen

Scientists have been working for a while at storing hydrogen under low temperature and low pressure. Another factor for automobiles is also storing hydrogen for low cost (as in low to moderately priced hydrogen fueling tanks). Researchers at MIT think they are on the right track by using activated carbon. According to MIT, “The team […]

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First Fueling Station on the UK Hydrogen Highway Opens

I’ve talked before about the emerging UK hydrogen highway and I’ve named Swindon as one of the possible locations. Well now Swindon is not only a possible location, but it is an official location as this hydrogen fueling stations has made its grand opening. The station was built by BOC, a subsidiary of Linde which […]

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Researcher Creates Water Splitting Photocatalyst Then Takes U Turn

One of the advantages of using a photocatalyst for creating hydrogen is that the only things needed are sunlight, water and the photocatalyst itself. And, if created correctly, the photocatalyst won’t degrade over time. On August 31, 2011 I wrote about how the University of Kentucky had created a cheap semiconductor photocatalyst that uses sunlight […]

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