GenDrive Next Generation Fuel Cells for Lift Trucks Announced by Plug Power

Last week I talked about how industrial gas supplier Air Liquide was making money from installing hydrogen fueling station infrastructure inside of large commercial warehouses for use by fuel cell powered lift trucks, forklifts and palette trucks. This week I want to talk about another manufacturer in a different segment of the industry profiting from […]

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Air Liquide High on Hydrogen Fuel Cell Forklifts

I’ve talked about Air Liquide before as a major hydrogen gas supplier that is already making money in the emerging fuel cell vehicle marketplace. According to the Houston Chronicle, Air Liquide is high on fuel cell forklifts for the near future and other types of hydrogen-powered vehicles for the long run. According to the Chronicle, […]

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300 MPG Riversimple Hyrban to Be Piloted in Herefordshire and Shropshire UK

The last time I had talked about the Riversimple Hyrban fuel cell city car it was in June of 2010. At that time the news was that the Riversimple FCV would be piloted in Leicester, UK. Leicester is also the site where up to 5,000 Hyrban cars are expected to be built. As an update […]

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