Cornell University Scientists Create Tunable Nanostructures for Fuel Cells

Scientists and researchers at Cornell University have spent over 10 years trying to find a way on a nanoscale level to make metal more conductive for fuel cells and batteries. Developing tiny silicon porous structures was part of the key and now the scientists believe they have discovered another important part to the equation that […]

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Is Carbazole the Energy Carrier of the Future?

By Guest Blogger Keith D. Patch According to Wikipedia, N-ethylcarbazole (C14H13N) was used as a chemical weapon (irritant) in World War I. Now it (and related organic compounds) is being investigated as a hydrogen transport material for fuel cell vehicles. In 2011 I read some news out of Germany about a “new” method of carrying […]

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Viking Lady FCV Supply Ship Adds Hybrid Capabilities

I’ve talked about hydrogen boats, ships and other watercraft before but the Viking Lady supply ship has to be the largest vessel to date to use a fuel cell system for at least partial power. The Viking Lady uses primarily LPG for propulsion aided by a fuel cell system when necessary especially around eco-sensitive harbors. […]

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