Carson City Nevada H2 Fueling Station Profitable from Day One

Carson City, Nevada is getting a new hydrogen fueling station. The H2 Technologies Group, who is the developer of the filling station, has stated that they think it can be profitable from day one. Believe me this little tidbit of information caught my attention. According to, “The electrolyzer technology at the station will separate […]

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5 Years Later Daihatsu Still Working on Hydrazine Fuel Cell for Cars

In September 2007, I had talked about how carmaker Daihatsu was developing a platinum-free fuel cell that uses liquid or solid hydrazine hydrate for fuel instead of gaseous hydrogen. Now, 5 years later they are still showing off their FC ShoCase concept vehicle that runs on hydrazine hydrate (N2H4H2O). I hope they are a little […]

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Microfluidic Fuel Cell Alternative to PEM

Researchers at Cornell University have been doing some outside the box thinking in regard to fuel cells. They have basically thrown away the expensive Nafion Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) that defines most of today’s hydrogen fuel cells used in cars. According to, “Usually, fuel cells produce electricity from hydrogen or methanol along with oxygen, […]

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Emeryville, California Gets New Hydrogen Fueling Station

Emeryville, California which is just north of Oakland, has received a very special gift this week – a new hydrogen fueling station. The station which was built by the Linde Group was delivered to AC Transit, a municipal bus company that operates in the Emeryville, Oakland and Berkeley, California areas. According to the press release, […]

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