Car and Driver Supports CNG to Hydrogen Refueling Transition

On June 3, 2011 I had talked about building a hydrogen car refueling infrastructure that mimics the compressed natural gas (CNG) refueling infrastructure that is already in place in the United States. The idea behind this suggestion is to not reinvent the wheel and to avoid mimicking the gasoline refueling infrastructure (120,000 gasoline stations nationwide). […]

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Two Car Magazines Say Obama May Accept Hydrogen Cars

Just two days after the national election, two car magazines are pondering the possibilities that second-term President Obama will be friendly to hydrogen fuel cell vehicles this time around. Largely because of the cool attitude of Energy Secretary Stephen Chu, the President hadn’t warmed up to fuel cells in the first part of his first […]

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10,000 Molecules of Hydrogen per Second

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion (MPI CEC) and the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) have discovered an enzyme that is able to produce 10,000 molecules of hydrogen per second. This enzyme with a double-iron core called an (FeFe) hydrogenase is the key to the conversion process. According to the RUB researchers, “In […]

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Turning Back to Older Breakthrough Hydrogen Technology

Sometimes when you get stuck at an impasse in regard to technological progress it is worth taking a look into the past to see what had worked then. And this is just what John Turner of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is doing is regard to creating hydrogen from water and sunlight. In 1998 […]

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Denmark & Sweden to Get First Hyundai Fuel Cell Cars

Yesterday I talked about Denmark and Sweden getting the first production Hyundai ix35 fuel cell vehicles that come off the assembly line. And today I have a little more information about this very same subject. According to, “Skåne Regional Council, the southernmost county of Sweden, has signed a public contract with Hyundai for two […]

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Hyundai ix35 Fuel Cell Vehicle Starts Production December 2012

At the 2012 Paris Auto Show which ended about 10 days ago Hyundai had formalized a previous announcement that will be a game-changer in the hydrogen car industry. The Korean car company stated that they will start commercial production of the Hyundai ix35 fuel cell vehicle in December 2012. That’s right folks, in just two […]

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