Suzuki and Intelligent Energy Establish Fuel Cell Production Plant

This is an update from the news on February 7, 2012 that Suzuki and Intelligent Energy had formed a partnership called SMILE FC System Corporation. Under this arrangement each will have a 50/50 stake in the corporation. The announcement today, is that SMILE FC has already produced some tangible results over the past year of […]

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Solar Fuel Produced by University of Delaware Researchers

Two researchers from the University of Delaware, Erik Koepf and Michael Giuliano spent a couple of months in Switzerland working on a novel sunlight-driven water-splitting device. The initial tests proved that solar fuel (aka hydrogen) could be produced using sunlight, mirrors (no smoke), a reactant and water. According to the University of Delaware, “Koepf’s reactor […]

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ITM Power Jumping Headfirst into EU Fuel Cell Forklift Market

It’s no secret that the market for fuel cell forklifts and other materials handling units have been red hot for the past 2 years in the USA. Several thousand units have been either deployed or ordered over that time period. Knowing this, British company ITM Power wants to get in on the emerging European Union […]

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University of Buffalo Researchers Say Just Add Water to Create Hydrogen

University of Buffalo researchers have discovered that hydrogen on demand may be accomplished simply by adding water to nano-particle sized silica. The researchers believe they can produce more hydrogen using this method that other common methods such as using aluminum. According to the University of Buffalo, “In a series of experiments, the scientists created spherical […]

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