Silver Bullet for Hydrogen Production May Be TiO2

The silver bullet in hydrogen production may actually be made out of titanium dioxide. At least this is what Associate Professor Darren Sun at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is saying. Under the category of the “Best Thing Since Sliced Bread and Ginsu Knives” Professor Sun has invented the Multi-use Titanium Dioxide (TiO2). When combined with […]

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Air Liquide Building New H2 Fueling Stations in Europe

Air Liquide is back at it again. The large specialty gas company is building three new hydrogen fueling stations in Europe by 2014 as part of the European Hydrogen Highway system. The high capacity fueling stations will help drivers traveling throughout Europe move among countries knowing that fueling is available for their vehicles. According to […]

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H2USA Signals about Face for Obama on Hydrogen Cars

I’ve talked many times about the Obama White House’s less than enthusiastic stance on hydrogen cars, putting money behind battery electric vehicles instead. And I’ve even talked in recent months how the President is warming up and evolving on the idea of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles as a long range, zero emission, quick fueling solution. […]

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