Researchers in India Using Iron and Cobalt to Create Hydrogen

On April 03, 2013 I asked if iron is the new platinum. Researchers at the University of Calgary and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory seem to think so. Both are using iron in place of platinum for chemical reactions involving hydrogen. Researchers at the University of Calgary are even using an iron and cobalt combination […]

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Honda Tests Powering Homes with Fuel Cell Cars

Ever since the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, Japan has been stepping up its game in regard to alternative energy. Emergency preparedness, disaster management and a desire for green energy are driving Japan’s efforts. In the past couple of years, Japan has made great strides in powering homes and businesses with fuel cells. And, now […]

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Is West Virginia’s First Hydrogen Fueling Station a Good Idea?

West Virginia University will be opening the state’s first hydrogen fueling station in Morgantown, WV this summer. The idea behind this is figuring out how to use West Virginia vast coal supplies in order to create a source for clean energy. According to National Alternative Fuels Training Consortium acting director Bill Davis, “Hydrogen is being […]

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