Radical SAM Enzyme Produces Hydrogen

Scientists at University of California, Davis, have been researching how bacteria produce hydrogen. One of the ways is by combining radical SAM enzymes with iron and sulfur atoms. According to Futurity, “The bacterial catalysts are based on precisely organized clusters of iron and sulfur atoms, with side groups of cyanide and carbon monoxide. Those molecules […]

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GM FCVs Have Saved 157,894 Gallons of Gas

The 119 fuel cell vehicles included in General Motor’s Project Driveway cumulatively have saved over 157,894 gallons of gasoline. In fact, just one of the higher mileage Chevy Equinox SUVs saved 5,260 gallons of gas by itself. According to GM, “A hydrogen fuel-cell-powered Chevrolet Equinox has reached 100,000 miles of real world driving. Through way […]

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Motorcycle Uses Fuel Cell on Its Exhaust

Researchers at Atsumitec Co Ltd. in Japan have equipped a motorcycle’s exhaust with a fuel cell to create additional electricity. The Synergy Cell was developed by combining a fuel cell plus thermoelectric conversion elements. According to TechOn, “The motorbike was exhibited at Innovation Japan 2013, which took place from Aug 29 to 30, 2013, in […]

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Say Jell-O to Fuel Cells

University of Birmingham researchers have created a gelatin (say Jell-O!) structure to take the place of expensive and rare metal platinum in fuel cells. The researchers use gelatin combined with iron and magnesium salts to create the catalyst. According to the University of Birmingham, “The Birmingham chemists have combined gelatin – the same gelatin that […]

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Linde H2 Fueling Stations Hit 500,000 Fill Mark

The naysayers of hydrogen fuel complain that there is no infrastructure, H2 is unsafe, and producing hydrogen is uncommon, etc. Well, one large industrial gas company, Linde, begs to differ. Linde has just hit the 500,000 hydrogen fueling station fill mark, all safe. Their stations have provided quick and safe refills for hydrogen cars, buses […]

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