Fox Slyly Promotes Hydrogen


Following in the footsteps of Google, Yahoo, Subaru Motors, Al Gore and Prince Charles, Fox News has also made the commitment to becoming carbon neutral. CEO Rupert Murdoch, who is a native of Melbourne, Australia, announced the Fox Cool Change Initiative a couple of months back.

What this means is that the staff will all drive hybrid cars, events will be powered by biodiesel generators and use LED lighting, and printed materials will be upon recycled paper. This also means that meat consumed at events will be free-range, fish will be line-caught and not farm-raised and scrap food will be composted.

And, why all of this is admirable and necessary, this is not the sly part of Fox. On Monday, at the Santa Monica Pier in Los Angeles, during the FOX All Star Party, Entertainment Chairman Peter Liguori slipped out of a BMW Hydrogen 7 luxury car to attend the event without much fanfare. The subtlety of this gesture escaped most media types.

It will be these matter-of-fact gestures by Brad Pitt or the Fox Chairman or whomever else the future holds that will get hydrogen vehicles before the public eye. Repetition is the key to making hydrogen cars a household name, rather than some exotic future car that only a few people know about right now.